Sorry for the lag time in posting… every time I sat down to write the past couple of days I somehow failed to finish a post, but I am determined now!
We’ve been in class a LOT… well, not so much in class as in the same building all day long. We get tons of breaks throughout the day, including “morning tea”, a personal favorite of mine J, but we do spend pretty much our entire day at the church building where our classes are held. We eat there, we hang out there, we have class there… needless to say I’m going to try out a different church this weekend just for a change of scenery!
Alright, so since it’s been a while…here are some highlights from the week!
1. Early in the week we each shared our stories, essentially just stories of how God entered our lives, how he has been present, what our pasts look like. I have to say it was a bit overwhelming. People have been through some really painful experiences – broken families, depression, drugs, anorexia, sexual abuse, homelessness – we are truly a community of the broken. I have to say, when I tell my story, I’m generally used to people thinking it’s pretty dramatic, but listening to the other students talk here, I realized I have no idea some of the things people have been through. But in every story, there is such great hope. Such faithfulness of God as our Comforter and Healer. It was extremely humbling for me and just a reminder of blessings that I often overlook.
2. I joined the dinner prep team and the worship team here, which is really exciting because those are two of my favorite things (cooking & singing) and it’s great to feel like I can use the things I’m gifted in to serve other people.
3. We’ve been learning about hearing God’s voice and engaging in intercessory prayer, which is essentially asking God what or who to pray for, and then doing so. So you are “standing in the gap” or interceding on behalf of another person, nation, country, etc. I’ve got to say, I have not mastered these topics. It’s a really new process for me to try to truly hear God (and no I don’t mean audibly, but just more like feeling/sensing his leading), and I often feel I just hear my own thoughts, but it’s a process I think and I expect there will be a lot of growth and learning over the next couple months.
4. I scheduled my flight home! So I will actually be coming home - - March 27. Which essentially gives me 20 days until “the big day” (!) I’ve got to say I’m getting more and more excited every day about this whole marriage thing. James & I have been getting to talk semi-regularly and he has just been awesome & so supportive, it’s pretty amazing how he can still encourage and help me from halfway around the world. With the past couple days being somewhat heavy/overwhelming, he has woken up in the middle of the night to talk (time difference issues!) and has grounded me with solid advice for which I’m very thankful...
All right, I don’t want to overwhelm you too much! Pictures coming soon.
Love to all.